So basically this is what I'm going to be shredding on,
pretty stoked, it seems like a good board and im way excited to try it out.
now if it would just snowwwwww.
Monday, October 20, 2008
So it was my birthday the other day. It was a lot of fun! Thanks everyone for everything. Its a good thing to have good friends, and I'm grateful for that.
Thats Exciting, if you look close there is snow on timp!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Today was a pretty fun day, I finished my stupid paper for Philosophy and went to school for a while, but before that I went skating with some homies---Daybreak is pretty much the coolest spot ever.
I went to a ski premier even though I dont ski.
That was good, then I hung out with some peeps and finished the night off with some more skating down in rose park, it was a good day!
now I just don't really want to go to work tomorrow...oh welll!
He's good for a laugh He's good for a smile He's good for a shoulder He's good for awhile... He's good for a hug He's good for a cry He's good for advice He's good for a lie... He's good when times seem so rough, Yes he's good...but not good enough...
So Yesterday I went and hiked Mt. Timpanogos for the first time in my life. It was amazing, I woke up at 3:00 A.M. to get ready and we were on the trail by 4:30. It was a pretty long hike and it was just way fun. The beauty that is all around us is amazing and its so good to be able to take some time and appreciate it. I saw 2 moose and slid down this big old glacier, it was pretty fun and now im quite tired but it was so worth it.
So as of yesterday morning I have a new nephew! Ryker James Sandgren, hes just a little guy, 5 lbs. 15 oz. so that's always exciting! The whole fam was there just chillin and stuff, that doesnt happen to often. Also last night I went to temple square with one of my companions from my mission and while I was there I got to talk to two crazy guys about the church. One of them was the worlds largest license plate collector! Its not everyday you meet someone like that, it turns out they were here for a convention but they travel the world and collect license plates. Its a good time meeting people and a better time talking to them about the gospel.
So basically coming up with plans on the fly is a pretty fun thing. Last night Eston, Mitchell and I decided to go up to Oakley to have a twilight session of skateboarding there at the park. We got there when it was already pretty dark so we skated for a little bit and then we just started driving to find a place to camp, we ended up going out to Kamas on this crazy adventure and we went up some canyon and found this pretty rad spot to camp, had a fire, had a good talk and had a good time. It was so nice to get away from the city up there in the mountains away from everything. I always get the same feeling as I gaze at the stars and think of the wonder that life itself is...